Wednesday, February 1, 2012

new hexagons
On Friday I ordered two more packs of pre-cut hexagons for paper piecing (and why would you cut your own???), from The Quilt Fairy in Midland, WA. Judy is so efficient - they arrived yesterday. What brilliant service!

finished 2" hexagons

Here are the ones I've finished. A little way to go ;-))) but I'm stopping at 500 hexagons which will give me a top about 72 inches square. I will probably applique the edges to a border ... or maybe I'll get some filler shapes to square it off. Not sure yet ...

Tangled Up in Blue
This week I've been working on another Stash Cupboard Quilt. I needed a no-brainer after the exhaustion of Beneath the Southern Sky exhibition quilt!!! Most of these fabrics have been in the cupboard for at least 10-15 years. 

The top is loosely based on Gee's Bend style - wrong fabrics and proportions, but I love the effect. The name comes from a Bob Dylan song, also performed by The Whitlams. Love it!

auditioning blues

and yellows/mustard

I just have to add some extra borders around the outside to bring it up to a useable size. It was a bit tricky getting similar, slightly muddy shades because most fabrics around now are much brighter. I found two muddyish pieces and one slightly brighter, but I think it will work OK.

coming together

Once again, I have pieced the top into 3 panels so I can quilt it myself. More soon!

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