Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Place ...
At last my little quilt is in France!!!

Moon in My Backyard

My Place is a travelling exhibition of 90 contemporary art quilts from Australia (curated by Dijanne Cevaal), New Zealand and South Africa. They are all 50cm x 50cm.

The exhibition opened in Johannesburg last year, before touring New Zealand and the east coast of Australia. This week it's in France, so if you're lucky enough to be swinging through the Alsace region between 16-19 September, don't miss

at 5 rue Kroeber Imlin in Ste-Marie-au-Mines.

Thank you Dijanne - I'm literally knotted with excitement!!!


SooDarwin said...

And I wish you were able to be there with your lovely quilt Cait.
Great photo of it by the way - the detail is really clear.

Linda Misa said...

very beautiful Kate - you are one very talented lady.

Linda Misa said...

oops Cait, not Kate - vacant moment, sorry!